(en français plus bas) I’ve been rather silent lately. It’s a bit sad since there was a lot of things to talk about. It’s just that I’ve been really overwhelmed and I just could not find the time to sit down and post here everything that was going on… One of the most important news is that VBA is coming back in the next version of Office. That means that everybody who relies on VBA (and I know quite a few) will benefit from a…
Batch-fixing files that won’t open with 2008 SR1
Thanks to the help of with Steve Maser, we found a solution that should allow to batch process files that refuse to open through a Double-click with the Service Pack 1 for Office 2008. The problem appears to be related to the file Type and Creator. Wiping out the file and creator for these files fixes the issue and allows you to open them through a regular double-click again, There are several utilities that allow you to batch process files to wipe out the file…
Office 2004 11.4.2
Office 2004 11.4.2 is now available on the Mactopia website This one is a simple security update, but as always, still well worth installing. Office 2004 11.4.2 est désormais disponible sur site Web de Mactopia Juste une mise à jour de sécurité, mais ça vaut toujours le coup de l’installer.
Office 2008 Service Pack 1
A second major announcement bout Office from Macworld. It looks like the Service Release 1 for Office 2008 is just around the corner. It is to be released today and bring a ton of improvements in all Office applciations. It will be avilable on MacTopia and probably shortly after through auto-update. EDIT: It is now available. Roughly 180MB… Une seconde nouvelle pour Office de conséquence annoncée par Macworld. Il semblerait que le Service Release 1 pour Office 2008 est ur le point d’être mis à…
Macworld | Microsoft to bring back Visual Basic in Office for Mac
Macworld just announced tht Microsoft is to bring back Visual Basic in Office for Mac. Huge news indeed. It looks like the myriad of users who said that they had to rely on it for their day to day work made a difference. It should come for the next major version, in 2010, or 2011… Macworld vient juste d’annoncer que Microsoft va ramener le Visual Basic dans Office pour Mac. C’est une énorme nouvelle. On dirait que la myriade d’utilisateurs qui ont fait savoir qu’ils…
Microsoft Messenger 7
Microsoft Messenger 7 for Mac is out. The new version has A/V support…… but for Office Communication servers only 🙁 There are a few additional improvements for mere mortals like myself (I sure don’t have access to a corporate Office Communication Server) though, so it’s worth downloading, but don’t expect too much of it. That’s not the version you’ll be ale to use to chat A/V with your Windows friends. Microsoft Messenger 7 pour Mac est sorti. La nouvelle version offre le support A/V, mais…
Expression Media 2 beta
Expression Media 2 beta was publicly released today. The application — previously known as iView Multimedia Pro — was bought by Microsoft a while ago and re-released as Expresion media. It is also distributed alongside Office 2008 in the “Office 2008 Media” edition. Version 1 was merely a rebranding of iView multimedia and version 2 will be the first new version released under Microsoft’s name… — Expression Media 2 bêta est publiquement disponible depuis peu. L’application — connue précédemment sous le nom iView Multimedia Pro — a…
Prise en main d’Entourage 2008 en français / French Entourage 2008 quickstart guides
Yves Cornil a placé en ligne un certain nombre d’excellents tutoriels portant sur Entourage 2008. Ils sont disponibles à la fois au format HTML et PDF (pour consultation en-ligne ou hors-ligne) et couvrent un nombre important de domaines qui devraient permettre aux débutants de mieux cerner comment paramétrer Entourage pour leurs besoins. En plus des tutoriels écrits, plusieurs vidéo sont également disponibles sur le site. Continue to read in English
Office 2008 : Réforme de l’orthographe / Spell checking in French with the ”new spelling”
Posté aujourd’hui sur le blog des développeurs en charge du correcteur orthographique d’Office : CorrecteurOrthographiqueOffice : Microsoft Office 2008 pour Mac: le correcteur orthographique français tient désormais compte de la réforme de l’orthographe. Le titre dit tout 🙂 On a maintenant le choix entre les orthographes traditionnelles et post-réforme, It’s a post in French, but it could be of some interest to you if you occasionally write in French: CorrecteurOrthographiqueOffice : Microsoft Office 2008 pour Mac: le correcteur orthographique français tient désormais compte de la…
Office 2008: Correcting the permission issues /corriger le soucis avec les permissions
As you might or might not know, it has been reported that the Office installer for Office 2008 installs a lot of files with the wrong permissions (ID 502, giving access to the files to non-admin users). Microsoft is aware of the problem and is working on it. They also provided a workaround for people who want it (if you’re admin and there is no non-administrator account on your Mac, you don’t need this — it’s only to prevent non-admins to do anything to these…
Events dupe killer / Suppression de doublons dans le calendrier
Jolly Roger a posté sur un script permettant de supprimer les doublons avec lesquels on peut se retrouver dans le calendrier d’Entourage (sans discrimination sur le calendirer dans lequel les doublons se trouvent. Le script est en anglais et adapté à Entourage en anglais. Il faut encore que je vérifie que les noms de dossiers ne posent pas de soucis avec la VF, mais le script a l’air pas mal du tout. On peut le trouver sur son site. Le nom du dossier Utilisateur…
Basculer entre les langues dans Word / Switching between languages in Word
(the English version of this post is further down below) J’écris souvent dans deux langues différentes (par exemple, dans ce blog :-> ). Dans Word, on peut basculer les réglages d’une sélection de texte d’une langue à une autre en fonction des besoins par Outils>Langues. C’est assez fastidieux (surtout quand on le fait souvent) et nécessite un nombre certain de clics. On peut utiliser différents modèles pour différentes langues, ou utiliser des styles particuliers pour différentes langues, mais je ne trouve pas cette approche très…
Office 2008 speed (vitesse d’Office 2008)
Well Office 2008 is almost out of the door and the excellent magazine MacTech just released bechmarks they performed over 2008 comparing eprformances versus 2004, on PPC and Intel, Tiger and Leopard… Pretty interesting IMVHO. I don’t want to spoil the suprise. It’s all there: Office 2008 Benchmarks Preview — Et bien Office 2008 est presque disponible et l’excellent magazine MacTech vient de sortir un comparatif de performances pour Office 2008 comparant à 2004, sous PPC et Intel ou Tiger contre Leopard. Assez intéressant AMHA.…
Apple – iWork ’08
Apple released today a new version of iWork. New Word-like, PowerPoint-like and now Excel-like. Very nice update indeed. I was most impressed with Numbers and how it makes your life easier creating spreadsheets. Of note: the new suite can import and export using the new Office 2007 format :-> I ordered it immediately 🙂 Apple a sorti aujourd’hui une nouvelle version d’iWork. Nouveau semi-Word, nouveau semi-PowerPoit et maintenant aussi, nouveau semi-Excel. Très belle mise à jour. Numbers est le module qui m’a le plus impressionné.…
Rosetta-QuickTime 7.2 bug/solution
This just came out on my RSS feeds: Mac OS X: Some applications may not open after QuickTime 7.2 Update. It’s an Apple knowledge base article acknowledging the issue and providing a solution (two actually). This should fix the Rosetta issues some macIntl users have been affected by and allow you to launch CFM apps again (including Office). Since the article doesn’t yet seem to betranslated, I’ll post a translation in French below. —- Ça vient de sortir (en anglais) sur mes flux RSS :…
Mac Mojo : RDC Coming soon
The Mac Mojo blog announced today that Remote Desktop Connection 2 would be released in a couple of weeks in public beta 🙂 Le blog Mac Mojo a annoncé aujourd’hui que la version 2 de Remote Desktop Connection serait disponible dans deux semaines en version béta publique 🙂
PocketMac remote for PowerPoint
As soon as I bought my MacBook Pro and started playing around with the Apple Remote, I thought that’s it’d be great to be able to use it for my PowerPoint presentations. There are several – more or less extensive – apps out there that let you do just that. I tried a few of them, but recently, the PocketMac people gave me access to their Remote application. PocketMac Remote is a simple app that lets you control your presentations in PowerPoint (or Keynote) from…
Badd badd Speling (The Entourage Help Blog)
I haven’t posted in a little while, but in my defense, there was little really motivating on the Office front to push me to write anything here (a few updates came out… Time to launch Auto-Update 😉 ). Recently though, after a rather vivid discussion, Diane Ross suggested that I’d put together an article about the limitations of spell-checking in Entourage for people like me who write in more than one language. I added a few things for users writing in languages not natively supported…
Entourage Help Blog
Well the Entourage Help Blog is now live 🙂 Go and check it out 🙂 Le nouveau blog d’aide sur Entourage est maintenant en ligne 🙂 Allez y jeter un coup d’œil 🙂
Microsoft Office Open XML Word Converter (Beta)
Yeah!!! It’s out!!! Microsoft released today the beta version of the Microsoft Office Open XML File Format Converter for Mac. It only does Word right now, but it’s a good start. Ça y est !!! Il est sorti !!! Microsoft a mis en ligne la version bêta de son convertisseur Open XML pour Mac (en anglais pour l’instant). Il n’y a que Word qui soit supporté pour l’instant, mais c’est un bon début.