Generate Tagged PDFs (with active links) in Word for Mac 2016 15.23.1+

Starting with Word 15.23, Word can now generate tagged PDFs with properly active links (all sorts of links, including the TOC links and internal links like the ones generated through EndNote). You need: Word 15.23.1 or more recent with an Office 365 subscription Make sure that you do NOT have any input method for Right-to-Left languages in the System Keyboard Preferences or a corresponding language in Languages & Region Use the Save As command and select PDF and you should see an option for “Best for…

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Doing your dissertation with Microsoft Word: A comprehensive guide to using Microsoft Word for academic writing (by Jacques Raubenheimer)

Introduction Throughout my academic training, I’ve had to write a number of reports and memos of all sorts. As an undergrad during my PhD training, I wrote scientific articles of various complexity, but it’s only really when I had to put together my Thesis defense that I realized that I wouldn’t make it unless I took a serious look at how my workflow could be improved. A thesis defense in my field is a long and complex manuscript with a detailed introduction section providing a…

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Antidote RX v8

(in French since the application is mostly directed at people who at least understand French) Antidote RX vient d’être mis à jour en version 8. J’avais parlé précédemment de cette excellente application permettant de corriger le français en s’intégrant dans de nombreuses applications (dont Office). Au menu, de nombreuses nouvelles locutions, des corrections de bogues divers et une intégration améliorée à de nombreuses applications. Les notes de la mise à jour sont ici.

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Extract media files from PPT, Word, etc, / Extraire des fichiers multimédia de PPT, Word, etc.

Once in a while, I am send a Word or Excel document with a bunch of pictures in it. Sometimes, I need to get these pictures (usually to modify them, or reduce the file size, etc). There is no really easy way to do this in Office. Of course, you can copy and paste the image from Office to whatever image editor application you want to use, but you never know what format the image was in, etc… It’s usually not a lot of fun.…

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EndNote X2 for Mac OS X

Thomson Reuters just announced the release of EndNote X2 for Mac OS X. EndNote is a bibliography manager that integrates in Word (usually used for complex scientific manuscripts where you have to cite dozens of references in a specific format). The new version has an improved UI (still far from Papers IMHO), supports smart groups, and downloads PDFs automatically for your references. It’s an improvement for sure… Thomson Reuters vient d’annoncer EndNote X2 pour Mac OS X. EndNote est un gestionnaire de bibliographie qui s’intègre…

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(en français plus bas) I’ve been rather silent lately. It’s a bit sad since there was a lot of things to talk about. It’s just that I’ve been really overwhelmed and I just could not find the time to sit down and post here everything that was going on… One of the most important news is that VBA is coming back in the next version of Office. That means that everybody who relies on VBA (and I know quite a few) will benefit from a…

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Word 2008 blog (in French/en français)

(Since this is about a site in French, I’ll post the rest of this post in French too) Yves Cornil, un des MVP pour Office:Mac vient de lancer un nouveau blog sur Word 2008 Beauoucp d’information sur Word (qui restent pour beaucoup également valables pour les précédentes versions). Vous trouverez notamment des informations pratique sur la façon dont on peut effectuer un nombre important de mises en page. À visiter donc 🙂

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