[Off Topic] NetNewsWire 4: Send To Papers
You can create a new “Send To Papers“ item in the Share menu in NetNewsWire Lite 4. All you need is to create a file named SendToApps.plist in ~/Library/Application Support/NetNewsWire Lite with the following text inside: <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?> <!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC “-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN” “http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd”> <plist version=”1.0″> <dict> <key>Papers</key> <dict> <key>URLTemplate</key> <string>; <key>BundleID</key> <string>com.mekentosj.papers</string> </dict> </dict> </plist> If you want, I create one that can be downloaded here: www.cortig.net/temp/… Corentin
Antidote HD v5
(This article is about Antidote HD v5, a software that integrates with Office 2011 to provide significantly enhanced French spelling and grammar checking. It‘s useless unless you speak French so this post is in French only) J’ai posté différents articles ces dernières années sur Antidote de Druide. Pour résumer les faits, Antidote est un excellent correcteur orthographique et grammatical, qui propose en outre divers dictionnaires de la langue française. La dernière version (Antidote HD) vient d’être mise à jour en v5 et apporte le support…
SyncServices Disk Utility: Spanning Tools for Mac
Disclaimer: I’m not affiliated with the product. I’m just a satisfied user. I just heard about it when it was in public beta, tried it and immediately liked it, but as with anything, your mileage may vary. Spanning Tools for Mac is a set of utilities that have been created by the authors of Spanning Sync. The tremendous potentials of Sync Services are obvious to all. Being able to share data between applications, between computers or with additional devices (iPhone anybody??) is wonderful, but for a lot…
Antivirus: New Symantec Mac forum
Tony Weiss at Symantec just pointed out to me that there is a new Mac section in the Symantec forums 🙂
PocketMac iCalScreenSaver
The PocketMac folks just gave me access to their latest app: PocketMac iCalScreenSaver. I must admit that I like it 🙂 It’s a MacOS X Screen saver that will display your calendar for the day, then the week, then the month. You can select which calendar to display, and they offer a few themes. One limitations though: The application only works with iCal. If you manage your calendar in Entourage, you will have to enable SyncServices in the Preferences to let Entourage sync your calendar…
Office 2008 Scripts: Fix double-click issue/Correction du problème du double-clic
Steve found yet another file type affected by the 12.1 update for Office 2008 (“XLS ” for Excel files downloaded through FireFox 2). I therefore added it to the scripts found on this page. FireFox 3 apparently corrected the problem and no longer assigns obsolete file types to Office files. Steve a trouvé un type de fichier supplémentaire affecté par la mise à jour 12.1 d’Office 2008 (« XLS » pour les fichiers Exel téléchargés par FireFox 2). Je l’ai donc ajouté aux scripts que l’on…
CrossOver 7 Mac
CrossOver 7 for Mac OS X came out today. The new version now supports Office 2007 for Windows. With Office 2008 for Mac, I should be all set, but it’s sometimes nice to be able to use the Windows version for a few things not supported on the Mac one (VBA for instance) and CrossOver is a pretty good, light-weight solution to run these applications without requiring to install Windows and run it under a virtualization environment. CrossOver 7 pour Mac OS X est sorti…
Excel 2008: Error bars / barres d’erreur
Virtually every time I use Excel, I use it to play around with data and plot the results. Excel 2008 had a nasty issue: you could not add custom error bars to a chart. The application would display it if it had been created in a previous version of Excel, but the user interface to create a new one was simply not there. Well it’s fixed in the Service release 1 🙂 I can finally trash Excel 2004 and use 2008 instead (I don’t really…
Scripts (again) for the File Type issue in Office 2008
Thanks to Steve Maser, I’ve been able to correct additional issues. I now have two scripts. The first one works through Drag & Drop. You can drag files or folders on the script and it will scan for the old file types and replace them with the new ones (recursively in the entire folder if you dropped a folder). At the end of the process, it tells you that the files have been converted. It doesn’t necessarily mean that files were outdated and were converted,…
Second version of the Office 2008 converter script
Well Steve Maser asked me to come up with a version that would work recursively on all files inside a folder you would drag to the script. He also suggested that I added the W6BN type (for Word 6/95 files). So I based the script on one of the examples provided by Apple, and here is the result: — This droplet processes files dropped onto the applet on open these_items repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items set this_item to item i…
Converting files for double-click in Office 2008
In the Service release 1 for Office 2008, Microsoft decided to prevent files with old file types to open through a double-click or a drag and drop (and don’t know why and that’s not the point here). There is a workaround to open these files. MS recommends that you use the Open dialog from within Office applications. If you have hundreds of old files affected with this problem, that’s hardly a decent solution. You can batch-wipe out the creator code of your files as well.…
Réparation automatisée des fichiers refusant de s’ouvrir avec Office 2008 SR1
Grâce à l’aide de Steve Maser, nous sommes parvenus à trouver une solution plus automatisable pour réparer les fichiers qui refusent de s’ouvrir dans Office 2008 SR1 d’un simple double-clic dans le Finder. Le problème semble être lié aux codes Type et Créateur de ces fichiers. Leur suppression permet de pouvoir à nouveau ouvrir ces ficheirs d’un double-clic. Il existe de nombreux utilitaires pouvant vous assister dans cette tâche. Celui qui me vient en premier à l’esprit est bien sûr File Buddy. Il est un…
Entourage 2008 E-mail & QuickLook
I just saw this very nice Leopard addition: Entourage 2008 Email QuickLook Plugins A QuickLook add-on that you can use in combinasion with Spotlight: Search for an e-mail by content, then select it and press Space to see the content through QuickLook. Nice piece of software indeed. — je viens juste de trouver cet excellent programe pour Leopard : Entourage 2008 Email QuickLook Plugins Un module additionnel pour QuickLook que vous pouvez utiliser en complément de Spotlight. Effectuez vos recherches par contenus dans Spotlight, sélectionnez un…
Silverlight: OmniWeb=Web??
I was testing out the Microsoft Silverlight (buggy) beta lately. Silverlight is an Internet plug-in built to compete with Flash. After installing it, I had to look around on the Web for content actually using the technology. I found some on the Showcase page Microsoft has for it. I went through a few demos and was shocked to see this: On the ”Search with Silverlight” demo, you can see these icons on the left: The icon use to symbolise the Web looked strangely familiar to…
Cocoatech: Betas and testing
A very interesting post on what makes a good beta-testing environment: Cocoatech: Betas and testing I personaly participate in a lot of betas (probably too many) and this post really fell extremely close to what I feel in most cases. It would almost make me wish I participated in their betas 😉 (I don’t use PathFinder though — that could be an issue :-> ) un billet (en anglais) très intéressant sur ce qui fait un bon environnement de beta-test : Cocoatech: Betas and testing Je participe…
Expression Media 1.0.2 SP1
I got the Expression Media SP1 from the MS site not long ago. I just downloaded it from the regular EM page on the Microsoft site (US). The new version was in English only though. After a question on the French newsgroups, I explored the French version of the MS site and noticed that it was only offering the original (outdated) version and it was in English only. I posted on the US Expression Media newsgroup and received a quick reply from Will Brandt, telling…
Microsoft Office for Mac 2008
The MacBU just placed inline a new site dedicated to previews of Office 2008: Microsoft Office for Mac 2008. The site offers a bunch of videos of various aspects of the new Office suite. La MacBU vient de metre en ligne un nouveau site Web dédié à la présentation d’aperçus de ce que sera Office 2008 : Microsoft Office for Mac 2008 (en anglais). Le site présente pas mal de vidéos des différentes fonctions de la nouvelle suite toujours en chantier à ce jour.
Localizations posts are moving away from this blog as of today… They’re not going very far 😉 They’ll be on another section of the same site. I copied all the old posts there already, but since I don’t want to lose any of the comments (and they’re not trivial to move over), I’ll also leave the original posts on this blog. Splitting the two should make things easier. Most people interested in Office are not necessarily interested in localizations and vice versa. In addition, it…
France 24
This post isn’t *completely* off-topic since it relates to WMP 🙂 Yesterday, France launched its 24h/day ninternational news channel: France 24 The site offers a video feed in English live.france24.com/fr… and French live.france24.com/fr… If you want to bypass the main page and bookmark the video feeds, you can copy them here and use them in WMP9 or QuickTime Player (command-D to add to bookmarks) providing you have the Flip4Mac WMV codecs. For people like me, it provides an interesting alternative to the all-US news channel…