Outlook 2016 search workflows for Alfred


LogoI love the app launcher Alfred. I use it all the time to launch app, but it’s also a very powerful productivity tool that supports workflows to extend it capabilities for searching, offer new actions on the results, etc.

I’ll strongly encourage you to at least take a look.

A while ago, I created a custom workflow to search in your Outlook 2011 identity directly from Alfred. The workflow was posted in the Alfred forums: www.alfredforum.com/…

Since then, Outlook 2016 was released, then updated, and updated again and as I. Recently re-updated the workflow for the newer version, I realized I hadn’t posted anything about it here…

You can find the new workflow right here:


All you have todo to install it is to double-click the workflow file: Alfred will launch and will import the workflow.

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You can use three keywords to trigger the workflow:

  • olkm to search messages
  • olkc to search contacts
  • olke to search events

Select the result in Alfred, and it opens in Outlook 2016! It’s that simple.

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